Ogden School District’s rich history lends itself to its uniqueness as the district of choice for many Utah families.
Since the mid-1800s, Ogden School District has paved the way for educational standards in Utah, from multi-cultural diversity to academic excellence. Our district was also the first to institute the idea of free schools, which The Standard reported in 1889, “no other place in the Territory can boast of.”
Along with its rich history, Ogden School District boasts of many other notable achievements and milestones, signifying a first in many categories within Utah.
Also read: About Ogden School
In 2021, Ogden School District became the second district in Utah to become fully accredited.
What does this mean?
All the schools in the district have achieved full standards verified by an independent accreditation board. And Ogden School District is committed to maintaining those standards in continuous improvement.
This achievement came through years of hard work, an outstanding school board, and teams of school administrators, staff, and teachers who work to impact the lives of our students in a positive way.
What Sets Ogden School District Apart?
Ogden School District implements many different elementary school programs and practices to ensure our schools provide a welcoming, safe, and educationally enriching space for our children.
International Baccalaureate
Ogden School District is the first district in Utah to offer the IB Program to students from Kindergarten to 12th Grade.
As one of the most highly respected academic programs in the world, the International Baccalaureate program is broken down into grade-appropriate courses before students take official coursework in the 11th and 12th Grades.
The programs for elementary and junior high school students, known as the Primary Years Program and Middle Years Program respectively, are implemented into the students’ full-time curriculum at Liberty Elementary and Mount Ogden Junior High School.
This allows students to determine for themselves if they want to continue with the program once they enter a high school where it is offered as an elective option for students.
Learn more about Ogden School District’s efforts with the International Baccalaureate Program here.
Welcoming Schools
We recognize that students attending Ogden School District come to us at different levels. This includes academically, economically and emotionally.
The success of the Ogden School District in recent years has been a focus on establishing a common language and a common system to encourage student success.
As a school district categorized as inner-city and minority-majority, we take great care to hire teachers who are uniquely equipped to help students. These educators will meet students where they are at, ensuring a common baseline of academic achievement and offering a challenging educational environment that encourages excellence.
We recognize that no one person, or school, can do it alone. The combined efforts of our teachers, staff, administrators, and school board have ensured that the high school graduation rate is at 90% as of 2020, and the elementary schools within Ogden School District rank in the 90th percentile for Student Sense of Belonging.
Also read: Ogden School District Career Pathways and No Cost or Low Cost College Credit
Specialized Programs
Ogden School District prides itself on the specialized academic programs available to students. From the Advanced Learning Academy at Liberty Elementary and Spanish Dual Language Immersion Program at East Ridge Elementary to state-leading career pathways and extracurricular options, our programs are designed to challenge students and increase their love of learning.
The district is home to two of just eighteen Utah schools that have earned Platinum STEM school designation. These programs at New Bridge Elementary and Shadow Valley Elementary explore scientific themes that empower students to think critically, collaborate with partners, and solve real-world challenges.
To learn more about these and the other specialized programs Ogden School District offers, click here.
Attention Given to Individuals
As many schools within Utah, and the rest of the country, experience a teacher shortage and oversized classes, Ogden School District has been able to maintain an average class size of roughly nineteen to twenty students per teacher in our classes. This number is less than most schools in Utah, including many area charter schools.
These smaller class sizes create an environment where teachers can meet their students where they are at and bring them closer to a higher academic standard. This establishes a better relationship between teacher and student so that everyone’s goals are met.
1:1 Technology
Ogden School District believes that modern education requires modern tools. That means a personalized device for each student. But those devices need access to information and programs.
In addition to issuing each student their own laptop or tablet at the beginning of each school year, the district has created Ogden SD LTE; a broadband network to ensure that every student can gain access to free, high-speed internet access specifically for education..
This aims to eliminate inequities that might affect student literacy and graduation goals due to limited internet access.
Your School District of Choice
The goal of Ogden School District has always been the educational success of your child through the formative years of elementary, junior high, and high school. Our efforts to maintain that standard of success will continue as we implement new goals and initiatives to assist our students and improve our city and state.
Contact any of our fantastic schools to learn how you can choose Ogden.