OSD Canvas


What is Canvas LMS?

Parents and guardians, please follow the instructions below to sign up for your own Canvas Observer account (parent account).

How to Sign Up for a Canvas parent account (Video)


How to Sign Up for a Canvas parent account

To sign up as an observer (parent), please follow these steps. This is best to do with your child present.

1. From the OSD Canvas login page (ogdensd.instructure.com), click the link for Parent Sign In/Sign Up.
Parent Sign In
2. Click the link to get an observer account.
Parent Account


3. In the spaces provided, fill in your 
  • Name (Please use your full name to help your child’s teacher identify you as an observer)
  • Email
  • A password you will remember
  • Child’s pairing code (Your child will need to be present with you to generate a pairing code from their account. Your child's teacher or principal can also generate a code.)


4. Agree to the terms of use by clicking the You agree to the terms of use checkbox and click Start Participating
5. Adjust your notification settings based on your preferences