Ogden School District

Board of Education Policy Manual

Policies and Procedures

Policies serve as the governing tenets of the school district. District policies are most often created for three main reasons:
1. In response to state or federal laws,
2. In light of legal precedents established by court decisions, and
3. As a means of defining best practices that relate to issues of local concern.

The Parts of a Policy


A Policy is the Board’s statement of belief, conviction, and expectation of a given issue as it relates to school district governance. A policy will most often be a relatively brief, clear statement about the Board’s position on an issue. It may also direct the development of “procedures.” The board approves all policies and significant revisions.


A Procedure may be developed as an extension of a policy. While not all policies will have procedures, many do. The procedure is essentially an outline of the main implementation points related to the policy. Procedures are developed by administration and approved by District Cabinet, with the board being made aware of procedure creation.


A Form will be found occasionally throughout the online Policy Manual. Forms are related to a given policy as something that may require an application process, authorization, and/or documentation. As with procedures, Forms are developed by administrators and approved by District Cabinet.

Board of Education Policy: Suggestions & Feedback
The Policy and Law Committee wants to hear from stakeholders. If you have revision recommendations or feedback regarding policies scheduled for a 1st or 2nd Reading, please fill out this short form. The Policy and Law Committee will review all feedback and take the suggestions into consideration prior to recommending final revision at the next Board Meeting Regular Session. Feedback Form


This series contains policies related to the structure of the school board, compensation, electronic meetings, and public participation in meetings.

This series contains policies related to district and school administration and management.

This series contains policies and regulations for the management of money: revenues, expenditures, budget development, record-keeping, fundraising, etc.

This series contains policies and regulations related to school safety and emergency planning, activities on school property, and video surveillance.

This series addresses the non-instructional services necessary for the maintenance and operation of the District, such as transportation and food services. Buildings and Grounds management and purchasing are also found in this series.

This series addresses facilities planning and construction, and rental of school facilities. Energy management and pest management are also found in this series.

This series contains all the familiar topics of personnel, recruitment and selection, contracts, employee rights and responsibilities, and salary and benefits, except as otherwise covered through collective bargaining agreements.

This series contains policies related to all aspects of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment. Included are the graduation requirements, curricular matters, instructional arrangements to assist teacher in teaching and students with learning, as well as provisions for individual differences and exceptions children.

This series focuses upon the Student, not the educational process. Students must be admitted, data about the student, their parent(s) or guardian(s) and the student's place of residence recorded; a place in a school assigned, and so on. This series also addresses student fees, student rights and responsibilities, and student safety and health.

This series addresses the school system's external relations with parent and family involvement, mass media communication, advisory committees, complaints concerning school personnel, and relations with Community Councils and other agencies concerned with education.

This series contains policies to ensure data security and protect student privacy.

This series addresses the secure use and handling of all district data, computer systems and computer equipment by all board members, employees, temporary employees, third-party vendors/contractors, and volunteers of the Ogden School District.