Ogden School District recognizes Canvas LMS as our primary learning management system for all secondary schools for its unique ability to help teachers with content creation and delivery, communication, feedback, grading, collaborative learning, and more. Canvas usage spiked across our district and state in response to the COVID-19 dismissal. Although this provided an immediate solution, our students and parents did not all share in the same experience. We believe that with strategic planning, stakeholder training, and ongoing support, we can provide a consistent and reliable quality digital learning experience for all of our students.
OSD Canvas PD Opportunity: Canvas Elevated
The OSD Canvas Elevated Course is a self-paced guide that will teach you how to use Canvas in OSD for personalized and blended learning, and how to design your courses in Ogden. Canvas does have an extensive library of stand alone how-to guides that you may also want to check out. However, this course will guide you through those steps in an order that best meets the needs of our students here in Ogden.
Canvas Resources and Support
- Setting up Aspire Grade Passback
- Canvas Analytics for Teachers
- Canvas Parent Guide (English / Spanish)
- Canvas Observer Guide
- UEN Canvas Resources