EdTech Teacher Leaders
What is a DTL Teacher Leader?
Through professional development, teachers in Ogden District can work toward several Digital Teaching & Learning certifications. We currently have 25 teachers with their EdTech Endorsements and we currently have 195 Google certified educators with a total of 270 Google certifications in the Ogden School District including:
- 181 Level 1 Google Certified Educators
- 89 Level 2 Google Certified Educators
- 13 Google Certified Trainers
- 3 Google Certified Innovators
- 25 EdTech Endorsements
- 3 ISTE Certified Educators
DTL Teacher Leaders are highly equipped to use digital tools as they grow professionally, collaborate efficiently, and inspire student learning. As these teachers use digital tools in the classroom they drive innovative literacy practices in reading, speaking & listening, writing, feedback, research, and communication. In turn, when students use digital tools in the classroom, including G Suite for Education, they employ their critical thinking, communication, creativity, and collaboration skills as leaders in college and career readiness.
Right now we have programs to guide our teachers through the following certifications:
Teacher Leader Map
Click the button in the top-left corner to expand the list of schools and Google Certified Educators.