LAND Trust

What is School LAND Trust?

The School LAND Trust Program, established by the Legislature in 1999, distributes the “annual dividend” from the permanent State School Fund through school districts and charter schools for all public schools in the state. Elected parents, elected teachers, and the school’s principal serve on a School Community Council. School Community Councils in each school prepare a plan to address the school’s greatest academic need(s). Local School Boards approve the plans, and funding is sent to each school with an approved plan before the school year begins.

The School LAND Trust program brings tens of millions of dollars annually to academic programs in public schools across Utah. The funds are generated from school trust lands. These funds are the only discretionary funds many schools receive. Each public school in Utah elects a school community council consisting of parents, teachers, and the principal. All councils have a two parent member majority. Each council carefully reviews student assessments and progress to decide which academic areas they want to focus on. Plans are developed to improve student academic performance in the identified academic areas with the annual School LAND Trust funds. The plans are approved by the council, submitted on State School LAND Trust website and approved by the local school board.

Our district has assigned a team composed of an executive director, an executive secretary and two board members to support School Community Council's and Principals in creating and executing their school plan's and using their funding appropriately. Councils serve as stewards of the LAND trust funds to ensure each child gets what they need in his or her learning. These funds allow schools to extend additional offerings and supports to each student in our district.