Our goal is to enhance the education mission of Ogden School District by procuring all materials, equipment, supplies, services and commodities at the lowest cost consistent with quality, quantity and delivery requirements in a professional, ethical manner.
We want to maintain an open line of communication and dedicated assistance to Schools, District Staff, Parents, Students, Vendors and the Business Community.
The Purchasing Department provides and coordinates many different services for the Ogden School District including:
- Bidding Services
- Positive Vendor Relations
- Surplus and Obsolete Item Disposal - except technology items
- Assisting in Preparation of Project Specifications
- Construction of New Facilities and the Remodeling of Existing Facilities
- Procurement Training
- Documentation - Vendor Forms, Requisitions, and Purchase Orders
- Active Requests for Proposal and Statements of Qualifications
- Archives
- EdPAC (The Education Purchasing Advisory Committee) - Current Contracts
- Child Nutrition Contracts
- Open Ended Contracts
- Policies
- Documents
- Rental Documents
- Contacts
Active Requests for Proposal and Statements of Qualifications
- RFP25-003 Elementary (Grades 3-6) English Language Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-004 Secondary (Grades 6-12) English Language Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-005 Elementary (Grade K-2) English Language Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-006 OSD Elementary ELD Primary Curriculum
- RFP25-007 Furniture for Hillcrest Elementary
- RFP25-009 Nursing Services
The Ogden School District requires all responses to RFP's be filed through the U3P Utah Public Procurement Place (Bonfire). Below is a link to the website:
State of Utah Supplier Login with Bonfire:
- FY 2025
- FY 2024
- FY 2023
- FY 2022
- FY 2021
- FY 2020
- FY 2019
- FY 2018
- FY 2017
- FY 2016
- FY 2015
- FY 2014
- FY 2013
- FY 2012
- FY 2011
- FY 2010
- FY 2009
- FY 2008
- FY 2007
- FY 2004
FY 2025
FY 2024
- CP24-001 - Courtesy Posting for Construction of Teen Centers
- RFB24-002 - Piano Tuning
- RFP24-003 - Mound Fort Auditorium Lighting Upgrade
- RFP24-004 - Supplemental Literacy Intervention Solution for Kindergarten
- RFP24-005 - K-12 Student Assessment and Data Management Solution
- RFP24-007 - E-Rate Firewall Support
- RFP24-008 - E-Rate Switches and Access Points for Hillcrest Elementary
- RFP24-009 - E-Rate Switches and Access Points
- SOQ24-010 - Hillcrest Elementary Commissioning Contracting Agent (CxA)
- RFP24-011 - Hillcrest Elementary Testing and Special Inspections of Construction Materials
- RFP24-012 - Ben Lomond High School Auditorium Remodel Project
- RFP24-013 - Ogden High School Baseball Infield Replacement Project
- RFP24-015 - Web-Based Credit Recovery Solution
- RFP24-016 - World Languages Spanish 1-5 Core Curriculum
- RFP24-017 - Built-In Cabinetry at Malan's Peak High School (YIC)
- RFP24-019 - Mathematics Intervention Solution for Special Education Students in Grades K-8
FY 2023
- RFP23-001 - Taylor Canyon Elementary Building Demolition
- RFP23-002 - Ogden High Boiler / ROTC HVAC Replacement Project
- RFP23-003 - Highland Junior High Auditorium Stage Rigging Replacement Project
- RFP23-004 - Ogden High School Auditorium Theatrical Lighting Upgrade
- RFP23-005 - Ogden High School Baseball Field Rennovation
- RFP23-006 - Early Contractor Involvement at Risk Builder PathwaYs Facility
- RFP23-007 - Special Education & Annex Buildings Remodel Project
- RFP23-008 - E-Rate Firewall Support
- RFP23-009 - E-Rate Access Point Support Renewal
- Closed; Not Awarded - No Responsive Bidders
- RFP23-010 - E-Rate Access Point Upgrades
- RFP23-011 - E-Rate Switches
- RFP23-012 - Building #2 Professional Development Center (PDC) Conference Rooms Redesign and Refresh
- RFP23-013 - SEEd Grades 6 - 8 Science Curriculum
- RFP23-014 - SEEd High School Science Curriculum
- RFP23-015 - Secondary (Grades 8-12) Social Studies Curriculum
- RFQ23-016 - Grant Writing, Data Collection and Evaluation Services
- RFP23-017 - Supplemental Literacy Intervention Solution for Kindergarten
- RFP23-018 - Criteria and Selection Process for Early Contractor Involvement at Risk Builder for the Ogden School District (Odyssey Elementary School TEAMS Classroom Remodel and Youth/Family Homeless Resource Center)
- RFP23-019 - Criteria and Selection Process for Early Contractor Involvement at Risk Builder for the Ogden School District (Hillcrest Elementary School)
- RFP23-020 - Mound Fort Junior High School HVAC Replacement Project
- RFP23-022 - Camera Upgrade and Replacement at New Bridge School
- RFP23-023 - Differentiated Literacy Program for Grades K-3
FY 2022
- RFP22-001 Installation of Interactive TVs, Projectors, and Cabling
- RFP22-002 - Science Curriculum for Grades K-6
- RFP22-003 - Comprehensive Student Information Systems
- RFP22-004 - Access Controls & Doorbell Camera Install
- RFP22-005 - E-Rate Switch Upgrades
- RFP22-006 - E-Rate Access Point Upgrades
- RFP22-007 - E-Rate Access Point Support Renewal
- RFP22-008 - E-Rate Firewall Support
- RFP22-009 - Heritage Elementary Reroof Project
- RFP22-010 - Highland Jr. High Boiler Replacement Project
- RFP22-011 - Criteria and Selection Process for Early Contractor Involvement for Child Nutrition Facility Project
- RFP22-012 - Camera Upgrade and Replacement at Lincoln Elementary
- RFP22-013 - Child Nutrition Program Pizza
- Closed; Not Awarded - No Responsible/Responsive Bidders
- RFP22-014 - OHS Boiler and ROTC Building HVAC Replacement
- Drawings and Specs
- Addendum 1
- Mandatory Walk Through Sign In Sheet
- Closed; Not Awarded - No Responsive Bidders
- RFP22-015 - Highland Jr. High Auditorium Stage Rigging Replacement Project
- Stamped Drawings
- Structural Calculations
- Transmittal
- Closed: Not Awarded - No Responsive Bidders
- RFP22-016 - Child Nutrition Program Fresh Pizza
- RFP22-018 - Access Controls and Doorbell Camera Install
FY 2021
- RFP21-002 - Literacy-Focused Personalized and Blended Learning Solution for Grades 6 - 12
- RFP21-003 - Literacy-Focused Blended Learning Solution for Grades K - 3 and Mild/Moderate Special Education
- RFP21-004 - Online Classroom Management and Student Engagement Monitoring Solution
- RFP21-005 - Fresh Produce for Ogden School District Child Nutrition Program
- CP21-005 - Pre-Bid Walk Through for T O Smith Elementary School
- RFP21-006 - T O Smith Elementary School Construction Project
- RFP21-007 - Secondary Multilingual Literacy Primary Curriculum for Grades 6 - 12
- SOQ21-008 - Janitorial Services Ben Lomond High Athletics Facility
- RFP21-009 - Interpretation & Translation Services
- RFP21-010 - Asbestos Abatement Horace Mann Elementary School
- RFP21-011 - Camera Upgrade and Replacement at Odyssey, Shadow Valley and Heritage Elementary
- RFP21-012 - Camera Upgrade at Ogden High School
- RFP21-013 - CBRS/LTE Roof Mast, Power, and Data Install
- RFP21-015 - Mound Fort Kitchen Project
- RFP21-016 - Food Service Sanitation and Safety
- RFP21-017 - Child Nutrition Program Dairy Products
- SOQ21-014 Architectural and Engineering Services
- RFP21-018 Hillcrest Kitchen Project
- RFP21-019 Literacy Intervention Solution for Grades 1-3
FY 2020
- RFP20-001 - Maintenance Technology Building Roof Replacement
- RFP20-002 - Turnaround School Support for James Madison Elementary
- RFP20-003 - Wasatch Elementary Building Addition and Remodel
- RFP20-004 - Reading Universal Screener and Progress Monitoring Solution for Grades 7-12
- RFP20-005 - Invitation to Bid - Mt Ogden Jr. High Walk-In Cooler
- RFP20-006 - K-12 Student Assessment and Data Management Solution
- RFP20-007 - Coaching-Instructional Coaches
- RFP20-009 - Occupational Therapy Services
- RFP20-010 - Nursing Service
- RFP20-011 - Camera Upgrade and Replacement at Highland Jr. High, Mount Ogden Jr. High and Hillcrest Elementary
- RFP20-012 - Horace Mann Elementary Construction Project (bid documents on Sciquest)
- RFP20-013 - Athletic Flooring,Weight & Fitness Equipment & Golf/Multi-Sport Simulator for Ben Lomond High Athletic Center
- RFP20-015 - Oracle Database and Oracle Application Express (APEX) Development Services
- RFP20-016 - Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Education Program
- RFP20-017 - Three (3) Total Combi Double Stack Oven and One (1) Single Stack Oven Purchase
- RFP20-018 - School Lunch Uniform and Accessory Bid
- RFP20-019 - E-Rate Switch and Module Upgrades
- RFP20-020 - E-Rate Single Mode Fiber Upgrades
- RFP20-021 - Highland Jr. High Kitchen Remodel Notice to Contractors
- RFP20-022 - Summer 2020 Elementary School Asbestos Abatement
- RFP20-023 - Polk Elementary School Construction Project
- SOQ20-024 - Systems Commissioning
FY 2019
- RFP9-001 Request For Proposals for Fleet Management Service
RFP9-001 Fleet Management Services - SOIQ9-002 State of Interest and Qualifications - Legal Services
SOIQ9-002 Legal Services Published Final Eval Tab - RFP9-003 Testing and Special Inspections
RFP9-003 Testing and Inspection of Construction Materials - Scoring Sheet - RFP9-004 Request for Proposal: Comprehensive Student Information Systems (SIS) -2018-2019
RFP9-004 Comprehensive Student Information System - Initial RFP Review
RFP9-004 Comprehensive Student Information System - Ranking
RF9-004 SIS User Review Scoring - RFP9-005 - Request for Proposal: Mathematics Core Curriculum for Grades K-5 - 2018-2019
- RFP9-005 K-5 Math Multi-Step Evaluation Process Results
RFP9-005 K-5 Math Final Results - RFP9-006 - Request for Proposal: Mathematices Core Curriculum for Grades 6-9(Middle School)
RFP9-006 6-8 Math Multi-Step Evaluation Process Result
RFP9-006 - 6-8 Math Final Results - RFP9-007 -Request for Proposal Mathematics Core Curriculum for Secondary Math I,II,III (High School) 2018-2019
Requirements for Access to Digital Resources- For RFP9-005, RFP9-006, and RFP9-007
RFP9-007 Secondary Math Multi-Step Evaluation Process Results
RFP9-007 Secondary Math Results - RFP9-008 Highland Junior High School Auditorium Seating Replacement
RFP9-008 Highland Junior High Seating Replacement-diagram 1
RFP9-008 Highland Junior High Seating Replacement - diagram 2
RFP9-008 High Junior High Seating Replacement - Bid Tabulation Sheet - RFP9-009 Camera Upgrade and Replacement at District Office, George Washington High and James Madison Elementary
RFP9-009 Pre-Bid Walk through Sign Up Sheet
RFP9-009 Cameras for James Madison, District Office and George Washington High - Scoring Sheet - RFP9-010 Managing Substitute Teacher Placement Services
RFP9-010 Managing Substitute Teacher Placement Services - BID Sheet - SOQ9-011 Statement of Qualifications for Program Management Consultant Services for Construction
SQO9-011 State of Qualifications for Program Management Consultant Services for Construction - BID Sheet - RFP9-012 Network Switch Upgrade for Ogden High School
RFP 9-012-Ogden High Network Switch Upgrade bid tabulation sheet - RFP9-013 Network Switch Upgrade for Highland Junior High School
RFP 9-013 Highland Junior High Network Switch Upgrade bid tabulation sheet - RFP9-014 Network Switch Upgrade for Ben Lomond High School
RFP 9-014 Ben Lomond High School Network Switch Upgrade bid tabulation sheet - RFP9-015 Network Switch Upgrade for Mound Fort Junior High School
RFP 9-015 Md. Fort Junior High School Network Switch Upgrade bid tabulation sheet - RFP9-016 Network Switch Upgrade for New Bridge School
RFP 9-016 New Bridge Network Switch Upgrade bid tabulation sheet - RFP9-017 Camera Upgrade and Replacement for Ben Lomond, Gramercy, Mound Fort, Hillcrest and/or Bonneville
RFP#9-017 Sign in sheet manadatory pre bid walk through
RFP 9-017 Addendum #1RFP9-017 Scoring Sheet and recommendation - RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project
RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project - drawings - RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project -Specs
- RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project - Addenda
RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project- Bid Walk through Sign in Sheet - QA Consulting and Testing LLC - Heritage Elementary Project
- RFP9-018 Heritage Elementary Access Project-Addendum 2
RFP9-018 Heritage Bid Tabulation Sheet - RFP9-019 Firewall Replacement
RFP9-019 Firewall Replacement Bid Tabulation Sheet - RFP9-020 District Public Awareness Advocate
- RFP9-020 Bid Tabulation Sheet
- RFP9-021 2019 Trash Removal
RFP9-021 - Addendum 1
RFP9-021 - 2019 Trash Removal - Bid Tabulation Sheet - RFP9-022 - Soccer Complex Press Box Structure
RFP9-022 DrawingsRFP9-022 Metal Structure Press Box
RFP9-022 GSH - Gordon Spilker Huber Study - March 2007
RFP9-022 Notice to Contractors - Section 00 0104
RFP9-022 Bid Tabulation - Sports Complex
FY 2018
• RFQ8-015 Request for Qualifications for Construction Managemet and General Contractor Services (CMGC)RFQ8-015 CM GC Ben Lomond Eval Tab• RFQ8-014 Request for Qualifications for Construction Management and General Contractor Services (CM/GC)
• RFQ8-014 CM CG Services Sign in Sheet
• RFQ8-014 Bid Tab Sheet
• RFQ8-014 Ogden Evaluation Sheet
- RFP013 Sports Complex Overflow Parking Upgrade
- RFP013 Bid Walk Sign-In Sheet
SOIQ 8-005 Architectural Services for Mound Fort Junior High Innovations Center and bond projects
- RFP8-013 Bid Walk Sign-In Sheet
- RFP8-013 Bid Tabulation Form
- RFP8-012 Fleet Management Services
- RFP8-012 Attachment B
- RFP8-012 Attachment C
- RFP8-012 Cost Proposal Form
- RFP013 Sports Complex Overflow Parking Upgrade
- RFP013 Bid Walk Sign-In Sheet
- RFP8-011 E-Rate Firewall Replacement
- RFP8-011 Firewall Harware Evaluation
- RFP8-011 Response to Scores
SOIQ 8-005 Architectural Services for Mound Fort Junior High Innovations Center and bond projects
- SOIQ8-005 Architectural Services for Mound Fort Innovation Center and Various Bond Projects - rubic
- RFP8-013 Bid Walk Sign-In Sheet
- RFP8-013 Bid Tabulation Form
- RFP8-010 Lunch Accounting System
- RFP 8-010 Rubric Cost Proposals
- RFP8-009 Career & Technical Education STEM Comprehensive Dropout Prevention Program for grades 8 & 9 at Mound Fort Junior High School
- RFP8-008 OSD Secondary English Language Arts Primary Curriculum for Grades 6-12
- SAMPLE ALIGNMENT FORM - ELA Curriculum Adoption
- RFP 8-008 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Stage 1 and Stage 2 Results
- RFP8-008 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Results - Final Results
- RFP8-008 OSD Secondary English Language Arts Primary Curriculum for Grades 6-12
- SAMPLE ALIGNMENT FORM - ELA Curriculum Adoption
- RFP 8-008 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Stage 1 and Stage 2 Results
- RFP8-008 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Results - Final Results
- RFP 8-007 OSD Elementary English Language Arts Primary Curriculum for Grades K-5
- SAMPLE ALIGNMENT FORM - ELA Curriculum Adoption
- RFP 8-007 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Stage 1 and Stage 2 Result
- RFP8-007 Multi-Step Evaluation Process Results - Final Results
- RFP8-007 Primary Curriculum for Grades K-5 - Final Rubric
- RFP8-006 Job Analysis, Classification / Compensation Cost Schedule
- RFP8-006 Job Analysis, Classification & Compensation Study
- RFP8-006 OSD Salary Information
- RFP8-006 2017-2018 Licensed Employee Salary Schedule
- RFP8-006 2017-2018 Education Support Professionals Salary Schedule
- RFP8-006 2017-2018 OESP Administrator Salary Schedule--(Exempt)
- RFP8-006 2017-2018 Administrators Salary Schedule
RFP8-003 Asbestos Abatement Project - Naval Reserve, Grandview Elementary, Lynn Elementary
- RFP8-001 Rubric - Cloud Based personnel Management System
- RFP8-002 Pizza 2017 Bid Instructions and Specs.doc
- RFP8-002 Pizza 2017 Bid Notice.doc
- RFP8-002 Pizza 2017 Cheese Vendor Quote Form.doc
- RFP8-002 Pizza 2017 Pepperoni Vendor Quote Form.doc
FY 2017
- RFP 7-002 Bus Advertising Bid Tabulation sheet .xls
- RFP 7-006 Whole District Network Wiring Upgrade.doc
- RFP7-001 Child Nutrition Dairy Contract.doc
- RFP7-002 School Bus Advertising.doc
- RFP7-003 OSDWebsiteRedesign.pdf
- RFP7-005 WiFi Hardware Evaulation.xls
- RFP7-006 WiFi Wiring Evaluations.xls
- RFP7-007 -Response to the Mound Fort Cooler Bid.pdf
- RFP7-007 Mound Fort bid walk sign in sheet.pdf
- RFP7-007 Mound Fort Cooler Project Bid Tab Sheet.pdf
- RFP7-007 Updated bid form.pdf
- RFP7-007-Md Fort Cooler Project -May 2017.doc
- SOIQ 7-004 bond architect rubric round 2.xls
- 7-004 SOIQ for Bond Architect Services.doc
- OSD Website Redesign RFP Evaluation Criteria.xls
FY 2016
- RFP 6-008 - Storage Area Network Device.doc
- RFP 6-010 Nursing Services.doc
- RFP 6-011 OT Services.doc
- RFP 6-012 PT Services.doc
- RFP 6-013 Athletic Trainers.doc
- RFP6-003 - Oct 5 Q & A.doc
- RFP6-003 Benefits Advisor-Advocate.doc
- RFP6-003 Evaluation Rubric.xls
- RFP6-003 letter of Justification.pdf
- RFP6-003 Standard Examiner ad for Employee Benefits Advisor - Advocacy Services.doc
- RFP6-005 Grant Evaluator.doc
- RFP6-005 rubric.xls
- RFP6-006 OCSC Ph2A Pre Bid Mtg 02112016.pdf
- RFP6-006 OCSC Pre bid construction meeting attendance 02112016.pdf
- RFP6-006- Addendum 01.pdf
- RFP6-007 -Asbestos Abatement - Edison Elementary.pdf
- RFP6-008 SAN.xls
- RFP6-009 Edison Demo Project - Pre Bid Walk Through Sign In sheets.pdf
- RFP6-009-Edison Demolition Project.doc
- RFQ6-002 Standard Examiner ad for Architectural Services.doc
- RFQ6-002 Track & Fields for Ben Lomond and Ogden High Schools.PDF
- SOIQ 6-001 bid tabulation sheet.xls
FY 2015
- RFP5-002 2014 Trash Removal Spec.doc
- RFP5-003 OCSD Consultant 2015.doc
- RFP5-004 Highland Junior High Corridors Bid Packet.doc
- RFP5-005 -RFP5-006 - George Washington High and Mount Ogden Jr. Fire System Replacement.doc
- RFP5-005 George Washington Div 00_01.pdf
- RFP5-006 Mount Ogden Div 00_01.pdf
- RFP5-007 - 2015 Highland Upgrade Project.doc
- RFP5-007 - High JrHigh Construction Documents
- RFP5-007 Highland bid tally sheet.pdf
- RFP5-008 - 2015 Mound Fort Upgrade Project.doc
- RFP5-008 Md Fort Spec bid set.pdf
- RFP5-008 Mound Fort ADDENDUM 1 04 30 15.pdf
- RFP5-008 Mound Fort addendum 2 05.05.15.pdf
- RFP5-009 Transportation RFP bid tabulation sheets (1).pdf
- RFP5-010 Taylor Canyon Playground.doc
- RFP5-010 Taylor playground advertisement (1).pdf
- RFP5-010 TC playground equipment.pdf
- RFB4-011 Legal Ad Notice-Soccer Complex.doc
FY 2014
- RFP4-001 Ogden High Bldg. 2 Wiring.doc
- RFP4-002 Mt Ogden Jr Wiring RFP.doc
- RFP4-003 20th Campus Wiring RFP.doc
- RFP4-006 Ogden - Substitute Teacher Services - 2013.doc
- RFP4-007 - Demolition 2100 Madison Site.doc
- RFP4-007-List of Pre-Bid Walk-Through Companies.doc
- RFP4-007-Property Address-Parcel No.doc
- RFQ4-004 2013 Pools Architectural Spec.doc
- RFQ4-005 2013 Pools Engineering Spec.doc
- RFQ4-008 Carol White Evaluator 11-1-2013.doc
- RFQ4-009 Construction Manager ~ General Contractor Services.doc
- RFQ4-010 -OCSD Grant Evaluation Services April 2014.doc
- RFQ4-012 - OCSD RFQ Grant Evaluator June 2014.doc
FY 2013
- RFP3-003 -Odyssey Telecommunications & Switches.doc
- RFP3-004 - ADDENDUM 1.doc
- RFP3-004 - New Image -1.JPG
- RFP3-004 -ADDENDUM 3.doc
- RFP3-004 -New Image -3.JPG
- RFP3-004 -New Image -4.JPG
- RFP3-004 2013 New Maintenance Facility.doc
- RFP3-004 ADDENDUM 2.doc
- RFP3-004 Maintenance Building 2.pdf
- RFP3-004 Maintenance Building.pdf
- RFP3-006 School Bus Advertising.doc
- RFQ 3-002 Communications 2012.doc
- RFQ3-001 Legal Services.doc
FY 2012
- RFP2-001 2012 Highland Irrigation System.doc
- RFP2-002 2012 Mt Ogden Irrigation System Replacement.doc
- RFP2-003 2012 Highland Gym Roof Repair Spec.doc
- RFP2-004 Gramercy Elementary Telecommunications - Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-005 T.O. Smith Elementary Telecommunications - Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-006 Mound Fort Jr. High Telecommunications - Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-007 Telecommunications - Switches--Wireless.doc
- RFP2-008 Astro Camp and The Cottage Demolition Project.doc
- RFP2-009 2012 Highland Kitchen Remodel.doc
- RFP2-010 2012 Mound Fort Cafeteria Remodel.doc
- RFP2-012 Ogden School District Palo Alto 5020 RFP.doc
- RFP2-013 Hillcrest Wiring-Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-014 Horace Mann Wiring-Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-015 Polk Wiring-Infrastructure.doc
- RFP2-016 Wasatch Wiring-Infrastructure.doc
FY 2011
- RFP1-001 Hillcrest Electrical Remodel 2010.doc
- RFP1-002 Horace Mann Boiler Replacement 2010.doc
- RFP1-003 Mound Fort Electrical Remodel 2010.doc
- RFP1-004 Space Shuttle Repainting Spec.doc
- RFP1-005 Mount Ogden Boiler Replacement 2010.doc
- RFP1-006 Highland Jr Electrical Remodel 2010.doc
- RFP1-010 Ogden City School District Lincoln Erate.doc
- RFP1-011 Ogden City School District Washington High Erate.doc
- RFP1-012 Dee Elementary Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP1-013 Ben Lomond High School Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP1-015 Astro Camp Asbestos Abatement.doc
- RFP1-016 Ogden High Phase III Asbestos Abatement 3 Floors.doc
- RFP1-017
- RFP1-020 Ben Lomond Gym Restroom Remodel.doc
- RFP1-021 Md Fort Cafeteria Door Spec.doc
- RFP1-022 Jr High Bleachers Bid.doc
- RFP1-023 Washington High Cleveland 24CEA10 Steamer.doc
- RFP1-024-TO Smith Elem. Vulcan Convection Ovens.doc
- RFP1-025 Dee Elementary Remodel Notice to Contractor.doc
- RFP1-026 FACS Lab at Md Fort.doc
- RFP1-027- Paper Towels & Dispensers Bid.doc
- RFP1-028 Toilet Paper & Dispensers Bid.doc
- RFP1-029-Cleaning Chemicals & Dispensers Bid.doc
- RFP1-030- Foaming Hand Wash & Dispensers Bid.doc
FY 2010
- RFP 10-007 Md Fort Boiler Replacement 2009.doc
- RFP 10-008 Highland Computer Lab Rm-12 Electrical Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 10-009 Taylor Asbestos.pdf
- RFP 10-010 Carpet Spec Taylor.doc
- RFP 10-012 Auto Shop.doc
- RFP 10-013 Portable Move 2010.doc
- RFP 10-014 Taylor Canyon Electrical Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 10-015 Sports Court.doc
- RFP 10-016 Athletic Trainers.doc
- RFP 10-017 Polk Electrical Upgrade 2010.doc
- RFP 10-018 Gramercy Boiler Replacement 2010.doc
- RFP 9017 Heritage Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 9018 James Madison Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 9019 TO Smith Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 9020 Ben Lomond Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 9021 Ben Lomond Century 21st Electrical-Telecommunications.doc
- RFP 9022 Ogden High Marquee.doc
- RFP 9026 Bleachers and Benches.doc
FY 2009
FY 2008
FY 2007
FY 2004
EdPAC (The Education Purchasing Advisory Committee) - Current Contracts
- Mark My Words, LLC - April 6, 2023 thru April 5, 2028
Child Nutrition Contracts
- Pizza 2022 - RFP22-016
- Commencing on July 1, 2022 and concluding on June 30, 2023; Renewable up to four additional years
- Child Nutrition Program Dairy Products - RFP21-017
- Commencing August 1, 2021 and concluding on July 31, 2022; Renewable up to four additional years
- Food Services Sanitation and Safety - RFP21-016
- Commencing August 1, 2021 and concluding on July 31, 2022; Renewable up to four additional years
- Fresh Produce for Child Nutrition Program - RFP21-005
- Commencing on July 1, 2020 and concluding on June 30, 2021; Renewable up to five additional years
- School Lunch Uniform and Accessory Bid - RFP20-018
- Commencing on April 1, 2020 and concluding on March 31, 2021; Renewable up to four additional years
- Fresh Fruits and Vegetable Education Program - RFP20-016
- Commencing on July 1, 2020 and concluding on June 30, 2021; Renewable up to four additional years
Open Ended Contracts
- Ogden City School District Procurement Policies and Procedures
- Utah State Code
- Title 63G-6A Part 24 - Unlawful Conduct and Penalties
- Title 67-16 Part 5.3 - Requiring Donation, Payment, or Service to Government Agency in Exchange for Approval - When Prohibited
- Title 67-16 Part 5.6 - Offering Donation, Payment, or Service to Government Agency in Exchange for Approval - When Prohibited
Rental Documents
Standard Documentation For All Solicitations:
Current RFPs and SOQs Out For Bid (See Active Requests for Proposal and Statement of Qualifications Above for Details):
- RFQ25-007 Furniture for Hillcrest Elementary
- RFP25-009 Nursing Services
Closed RFPs and SOQs For Which Bids Are Under Evaluation:
- RFP25-003 Elementary (Grades 3-6) English Lanuage Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-004 Secondary (Grades 6-12) English Lanuage Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-005 Elementary (Grades K-2) English Lanuage Arts Curriculum
- RFP25-006 OSD Elementary ELD Primary Curriculum
RFP and SOQ Bid Tabulation Results of Recently Closed Solicitations:
- Request Form - Award of Contract Without Engaging in a Standard Procurement Procedures
- Sole Source Finding (Over $50,000)
- Utah Government Records Request Form
Architectural Services and Engineering Services
Public Surplus - Current Auctions for Ogden School District