Ogden School District
Summer Office Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Department of Special Education
Ogden City Schools is committed to providing a full educational opportunity to all students with disabilities between the ages of 3 and 22 residing in our school district boundaries. To accomplish this a wide range of services, program options, and curriculum alternatives are available to students with disabilities. We strive to work cooperatively and collaboratively with families, communities and faculties to provide an appropriate education for every student.
Every child is entitled to a public education regardless of disability. Children with disabilities may go without services because families are not fully aware of their options. If you know a child or have a child, birth to age 21, that you suspect has a disability and is not receiving any education services please contact us or your local neighborhood school for information on possible services.
The identification, location and evaluation of students suspected of having a disability includes students attending private school, students who are highly mobile, students who have been suspended or expelled from school, home schooled students, students who have not graduated from high school with a regular high school diploma and those who may be in need of special education and related services even though they are advancing from grade to grade regardless of the severity of the disability.
Ogden School District
Board of Education
Academic Achievement Recognition
Board of Education
Academic Achievement Recognition
Special Education Bulletin
The Utah Department of Health is planning an open application period for the Medically Complex Children's Waiver. Interested families can apply online at https://medicaid.utah.gov/ltc-
Interested individuals that children currently enrolled in traditional Medicaid will not be automatically eligible for the Medically Complex Children's Waiver Program and will need to apply. Children currently participating in the program will not need to reapply.
For questions, please contact: 1-800-662-9651, option 5
Medically Complex Children's Waiver - Frequently Asked Questions