Ogden School District Visual and Performing Arts

Ogden School District Arts

Ogden School District values the arts and believes they are essential to the well being of our students. The arts can be a means of strengthening student community, expression, and career opportunity. 

We are thrilled to be able to provide a year of arts education to every elementary aged student through visual and musical arts. We even offer after school extensions, experiences with drama, and arts related clubs at most elementary schools. New in the 2023-2024 school year our elementary offerings also include mariachi and pathways to develop interest, passion, and skill for students to prepare for secondary school arts programs.

The secondary music, art, drama and dance programs are vibrant and important parts of our school culture and student life. We are committed to providing opportunity and access to the arts for all students. We are so grateful for the support of our community organizations that continue to support the arts in Utah! We would like to especially thank the Ogden School Foundation for their continuing support of the arts in Ogden. Follow the link if you would like to know more about the Ogden School Foundation.  

The Arts and the Utah Portrait of a Graduate

Not only do students have many and varied opportunities in the arts in Ogden School District, they also learn how the arts can help them to become the best version of themselves now and in the future. Whether it is an elementary student learning the elements of design or a how to play a guitar; a secondary school student learning to play and perform in bagpipe corps or mariachi or how to market their advanced artwork, our students know the arts help prepare them to be successful high school graduates. Our arts educators connect teaching and learning to both their subject area standards and the Utah Portrait of a Graduate competencies. Competencies such as wellness, communication, creativity and innovation, collaboration and teamwork, hard work and resilience, life long learning and personal growth, service, and respect are all fundamental to the experiences our students have in the Ogden School District Arts Program. We invite you to learn more at each school's website to see what is offered. You may also join us at one of our many public events to see our students and teachers in action. 



Welcome to Back to School 2024-2025! 
Please send events/celebrations: kozlewskia@ogdensd.org

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