Library Media Standards
The school library program is critical to students' academic and personal success. The necessary skills for college and career ready students include literacy in a wide range of digital, visual, and textual formats. Effective school library media programs enable students to develop critical thinking skills to access, evaluate, synthesize, and apply information; make informed decisions; build a knowledge base; and value reading.
These Utah Standards for Library Media were created by certified teacher librarians to support the integration of information literacy and media skills across the curriculum. They are intended to be taught, not in isolation, but in collaboration with classroom teachers. This collaboration will deepen student learning, foster independent reading, develop reading stamina, build task resiliency, strengthen text-dependent writing, and increase the students’ information literacy.
The standards are organized into three clusters:
These standards, which incorporate inquiry-based learning as well as other research model strategies, will be taught in collaboration with content area teachers, not in isolation by the teacher librarian. This collaboration will deepen student learning, foster independent reading, develop reading stamina, build task resiliency, strengthen text dependent writing, and increase the students’ information literacy knowledge. Informative handouts, tutorials, and implementation tools are available through the Utah State Board of Education website and the Utah Education Network.
- Utah State Board of Education, Library Media Standards